Riccardo Mongiu Photography : She Devil [PHOTOGRAPHY GALLERY]

This is a personal journey made of past emotions and feelings that anyone of us, more or less, had in lifetime.
Those strong emotions are the raw material that made the person who I am, and possibly made the person who you are.
These images may look rough, strong, dark, but at the end what we do remember so strongly?

About This Gallery

This gallery is a personal introspection to deal, face to face, my interior demons. It tooks almost one year from the idea to the final shot. I made all the pictures in my home-studio using a single light to enhance the drama and make the final result more pictorial. Models in this gallery are mostly friends of mine the voluntarily decided to pose to make my “nightmares” come true.


Riccardo Mongiu



Model #1

Giulia Grigoli

Images Credit: #1 – 3

FB Page

Model #2

Beatrice Fabbri

Images Credit: #4 – 5

FB Page

Model #3

Laura Colistra

Images Credit: #6 – 7

FB Page

Model #4

Elena Brilli

Image Credit: #8

FB Page


Author: Riccardo Mongiu Photography

Riccardo "Rikeire" Mongiu--born in Rome, Italy, on December '68--is an IT engineer and a passionate photographer. My first approach with photography was in 2006 for a simple life coincidence and fun. Since 2014 I decided to study, by myself, photography, light, and composition at their basics. I've been a food photographer for a couple of years from 2014 to 2016 and this part-time work gave me the chance to learn and apply what I was reading and studying.

Since 2016 I've moved my interests in people photography and portraits, dropping the food, to learn the huge amount of things that wasn't possible to learn and test with a spaghetti dish. I'm thankful for the lucky chances that I had in the past to do portraits of restaurants, food and interiors, it gave me the opportunity to fall deeper in love with this incredible and endless world of photography. She Devil is my first human project after almost one year of preparation, study and tests.

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