Some spirits of nature dwell close, to remind human beings. You can see them in forests, on mountains or in ocean. One of these spirits sometimes walks in old city park.



Model Page


Dmitry Aleksandrov

Photographer Webpage


Author: Parket

Parket was the Official DarkestGoth Spokesmodel for 2016.

I'm 26 years old. I was born in Russia and have been living here until now. I've finished University as a Philologist, now I'm getting my Master's degree. My main hobby is a photo. I started modeling since 2010. My favorite styles are Gothic, Cybergothic, Horror, Surreal. Sometimes I make cosplays. I like to create unusual and bright images and embody them.

I also go in Industrial dance and historical dances. Sometimes I take a part in dance videos, music videos and performances during concerts of our local bands. Besides, I'm an author of short stories and have published already two collections. I was an editor-in-chief of Russian Industrial Online Magazine ZRDE and organized Victorian Picnics in our city.

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