Karen St. Claire: Paul Stanley Backstage Pass [ARTICLE]
DGM Spokemodel 2019, Karen St. Claire, Gets a Backstage Pass from Paul Stanley. The meet and greet took place at Barnes and Noble in Los Angeles and they spoke briefly about her recording studio experience involving Paul through the nature of cause and effect. She chuckled at his remark.
Where is the Funeral? How the Color Black Became Associated with Death and Mourning. [SPOKESMODEL ARTICLE]
Where is the funeral? is a question that many Gothic people have been asked while out and about in their Gothic garb. In modern society much of the population considers the color black to be the color of mourning, with entirely black outfits being viewed as funeral attire. Black clothing as the fashion for mourning is not a modern idea. It is routed in western/European tradition beginning as early as the formation of Rome itself and has continued to evolve into the mourning clothes worn in the present day.
Which is Goth? Subsections of the Counter-Culture [ARTICLE]
DGM writer, Veronika Gypsy, explores the controversial theory of what the Goth subculture is…which Goth is? Alternative opinions and theories are welcomed as this is designed to start the ball rolling on conversing about Gothic outlooks!
Editor’s Recut: The Star Wars Prequels Become Watchable [ARTICLE/VIDEO]
With the Star Wars Episode VII coming our next week, if you’re like us, you’ve already watched through the Steelbooks of episodes IV, V, and VI! But wouldn’t it be great if somehow the prequels hadn’t sucked, so you could watch those too? If there had been an editor who could’ve told George Lucas ‘No’ on some of the bad ideas that made it into those films?
Pre-Star Wars VII Canon: Aiming for the Sky and Missing The Universe [ENTERTAINMENT EDITORIAL]
Like a lot of people, I’m very excited about the new Star Wars film, The Force Awakens. Also like a lot of us, our experience with Star Wars is bittersweet.
I remember being around 8 years old when an uncle of mine showed me Star Wars for the first time on VHS and I was hooked. When I visited my aunt and uncles in Paris, France when I was 16 for a month, I grew so homesick and the only English movie they had to watch was Star Wars–and it reminded me of what I loved about the fantasy adventure there.
Finding a Path through the Darkness: A Gen Con Look at Paizo’s Creepy New Releases [EVENT/ARTICLE]
Paizo is one of those companies that shows just how a creative manufacturer can go from a smaller Indie game expansion company to a major power player in just 7 years. The now iconic Pathfinder roleplaying system may have been based on D&D’s 3.5 Open Gaming License mechanics when it was released in 2008, but it has steadily evolved since then, at times passing D&D in sales, and spinning off a catalog of expansions, classes, maps, and figurines, to say nothing of the successful card game variation that debuted…
Blind Night: Could Netflix’ Daredevil become the most successful Comic Translation? [EDITORIAL/ARTICLE]
For those of us who love comics, the announcement that Marvel TV inked a four franchise deal with Netflix in 2013 to take some of their grittier properties and make TV shows out of them was a little confusing. Obviously, Rated R properties have no place in Marvel Studios new cinematic feature film universe which is decidedly PG-13, but would the Netflix shows be cheap, hokey takeoffs on these Marvel properties? (After all, Marvel TV’s own Agents of Shield on ABC has been hemorrhaging fans since its creation.)
Meta-Art: The New Face of Interactive Expression, Part 3 [ARTICLE]
Due to the power of these sort of “meta-art” concepts, the draw of incredible, tense movies like The Game, Inside Man, and Ocean’s Eleven, and the popularity of things like LARPing, some companies, like Lexington, Kentucky’s The Breakout Games, have decided to see about bringing the metagames found in complex board games and video games and the scenarios reserved to for edge of your seat thriller films to real life! (There are other companies with similar types of offerings out there, so, if you’re not in the Kentucky area, you can likely find places like this in your area. I’m going into…
Meta-Art: The New Face of Interactive Expression, Part 2 [ARTICLE]
When video games grew popular, it was assumed that people would play these animated games when they were children (when children already play a lot of games) and then grow out of them. But we began to learn that people didn’t grow out of them, but instead craved more complex mysteries and stories as they aged. This led to pivotal games like Myst and Rivven, which started the modern video game trend of well-created story and making your players use their brains, not just their reflexes. At the current rate of consumption of complex and morally challenging video games, in the near future…
Meta-Art: The New Face of Interactive Expression, Part 1 [ARTICLE]
It’s hard to be a modern creative person without having been exposed to conversations about the “meta-game” or the “meta-content” that’s behind modern creative works. This is made all the more confusing due to the fact that the concept behind how it’s now use in New Media is a hybrid of the noun version of this word, the adjective version, and something else. The French have a phrase called “Je ne sais quoi” which literally translated means “I know not what”—as in, there’s something else about what I’m talking about, but I can’t put my finger on it. It would be appropriate…
Beautiful Minds: Danna’s School of Creative Writing [ARTICLE]
Editor’s Note: One of the things that we’ve aspired to is choosing spokesmodels who were not just beautiful on the outside but even more beautiful on the inside. To let you glimpse some of the heart behind our 2015 European Spokesmodel, Danna Victoria, we had her share a bit about the school of creative writing she founded to help school children in Serbia explore their passions and dreams! My “School of Creative...