Director: John Landis, Steven Spielberg, Joe Dante, George Miller Production Company: Warner Bros Genre: Sci-Fi Horror Anthology One Sentence Synopsis: Based on Rod Serling’s “The Twilight Zone” television series Series: Standalone Release Date: June 24, 1983 Running Time: 101 min Reviewed by: Karen “Nekcromance” St. Claire Final Score: 5.0 Moons (Out of 5) Step into the otherworldly 5th dimension, a place that lies between time and...
At the turn of the century, in the small town of Tumbleweed, a railroad runs through. Seldom seen, the legend has it that a young harlot carrying a red lantern would roam the area. Silently, her whereabouts was always kept safe under lock and key. In rare instances, it is said, that she would be spotted and then mysteriously disappear into thin air. Perhaps, the mystery was the silencing hush that lingered in the ether whenever her...
Haunted Dolls: Karen St. Claire [SPOKESMODEL GALLERY]
This gallery depicts the haunted dolls of Xochimilco, Mexico. The Island of the Dolls is the place where a girl was found washed up and drowned by the groundskeeper and caretaker of the small island in 1950. The man who found her in the canal, also found a small doll floating in the same area and thought it most likely belonged to the girl so he hung it in a tree to appease her tormented soul. Later this man (who’s name was Don...
Scary Movie Night: Rob Zombie’s Halloween [DVD/BLU-RAY REVIEW]
Director: Rob Zombie Production Companies: Dimension Films, Nightfall Productions, Spectacle Entertainment Group, Trancas International Distribution Company: The Weinstein Company Genre: Horror Series: Based on Halloween by John Carpenter and Debra Hill which created a huge series as the saga continues MPAA: R Music: Tyler Bates / John Carpenter (film score) Soundtrack Credits: Click Here Release Date: August 31, 2007 Purchase: Click...
Scary Movie Night: “Basic Instinct” [DVD/BLU-RAY REVIEW]
Bestselling author, Catherine Tramell is being investigated for suspected murder after her latest novel, “Love Hurts” hits the shelves. Is the book her alibi to cover the homicide of her boyfriend, a retired rock n’ roll star since the murder is carried out exactly as described in the novel? Or is it someone she knows who is brutally obsessed and playing psychopathic twisted mind games with an ice pick?
The Masonic Lodge: Karen St. Claire [SPOKESMODEL GALLERY]
The Masonic Lodge: Featuring “The Sentinel”, guardian of the west gate portal. Related original music referring to the sentinel of the outer gates of the masonic temple is featured here on this band audition featuring me as vocalist and lyricist. Here are the lyrics…. BABE OF THE ABYSS words and vocal melody line credits… (c) Karen St. Claire Spirits Fly.. You’re my kind of guy Spirits Fly…....
Scary Movie Night: Ozzy Osbourne-Memoirs of a Madman [DVD set/CD review]
Director: Mark Neuman Production Studio: Sony Legacy, Epic Legacy, Epic Records, Legacy Recordings Distribution Company: Sony Music Entertainment Executive Producer: Sharon Osbourne Genre: Movies & TV -Studio Specials- Hard Rock Heavy Metal music Series: The album is said to be an updated version of “The Ozzman Cometh”, now out of print MPAA Rating: not rated Release Date: October 14th, 2014 Running Time: 323 minutes...
Karen St. Claire: MAD MAXINE [Spokesmodel Gallery]
MAD MAXINE’S SURVIVAL GUIDE WEAR A MASK Wearing a mask is a good thing. It not only filters out the viruses it also filters the chemtrails. A main source of chemtrails is aluminum. Excessive aluminum causes memory loss and Alzheimer’s Disease PAY THE BUCK Do yourself a favor and pay the extra buck for organic and non GMO food. Organic food is pesticide free and pesticides can enter your body during meals. GMO food is genetically...
Scary Movie Night: Dark Shadows [DVD/BLU-RAY REVIEW]
It is said that blood is thicker than water. Vampire risen Barnabas Collins returns to his family roots. The wealthy Collins family cursed by a vengeful witch, who’s failing family fishing business is in dire need of restoration, is the quest for justice. In this Tim Burton picturesque cinematic film, the saga continues.
THE BLACK WIDOW Welcome to Murda Row… The Black Widow Hideout. You never know what lurks around the corner on these desolate and defunct alley streets. A spiked drink of liquid poison or a venomous slice of decadent Devil’s Food sure seems like an easy way out, and without all that bloody shotgun mess! Don’t ya think? The world needs guts but not splattered all over here. Nothing like scraping the plaster off the...